

Innovator -
Full Stack Developer -
Competitive Programmer -
Computer Scientist -
Software Engineer -
Entrepreneur -
Image of Petar Isakovic
šŸ‘‹ I'm Petar
And I build everything that comes to my imagination.
Yes, my profile picture is me rocking an augmented reality headset I built from cardboard, duct tape, and the ML5.js real-time object detection library.

Hi, Iā€™m Petar, a first-year Software Engineering student at the University of Waterloo. Iā€™m passionate about blending creativity and technology to build impactful projects using Java, C, JavaScript & HTML/CSS.
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BoxHead is an augmented reality headset I built for the 2023 Rhythm Hacks hackathon. It utilizes ml5.js for object detection and JavaScript Speech Recognition, allowing the wearer to locate any spoken object in real time. Furthermore, p5.js was used for video recording and overlaying green boxes and text over the found items.
Multiplayer Snake
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Snake Fight is an online multiplayer game I developed in pure HTML/CSS/JavaScript along with Firebase for the backend. In this game, there are snakes controlled by opposing players with apples spawning every time one is consumed. The game will end once a snake hits itself or hits the opposing snake (the last snake standing wins).
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GooseHacks is a website I developed for a Hackathon I hosted in the summer of 2023. The website's objective is to provide crucial details about the hackathon so that participants are aware of not just what GooseHacks is but also its requirements, including how to register and where to go for additional information.
Chess A.I
Java Logo
I've been working on a Java project called Chess A.I, which aims to create a player (bot) who can always checkmate you at the end of the game. However, it's important to note that the current iteration of this chess A.I bot will only make random moves because my A.I is not fully optimized.
AI Therapy
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Therapist AI is my submission for the 2023 Hackamental Hackathon that won 1st place overall. The purpose of the website was to use the ChatGPT API as well as Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis in JavaScript so that anyone with a mental health issue could simply talk to an online therapist as if they were a real person.
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VidNote was a hackathon project for HackJPS 2023 that leverages the power of machine learning algorithms, to make educational materials more accessible and manageable for students with hearing disabilities, by taking in a YouTube video and then outputting key points from the video in readable text.
Snake A.I
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Snake A.I is a game I made where you are the snake and your goal is to eat as many apples as possible. However, there is an additional snake that uses dijkstra's algorithm (pathfinding) to calculate the quickest root of the apple, making it incredibly difficult for your snake to collect apples.
Euglena Robot
Arduino Logo
The Euglena robot simulates the behavior of a euglena (a single-celled organism that can move towards areas of bright light so that it can photosynthesize) by using photoresistors for light detection and an L298 Motor Driver for moving towards the light. Moreover, the program used to follow the light was developed into an Arduino Uno.
Piano Tiles
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Piano Tiles Was A Game I made in 2022, which was the first game I was able to sell for 150 dollars, and although it was not my most advanced game I developed, I was incredibly proud of it since I was able to develop a 30h game in just 3 days. Furthermore, it was one of my first GUI games that I was able to develop in java.
Cursed Pacman
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Cursed Pacman is a terminal based Pacman game made completely in Java. It uses threads to constatntely clear the terminal and draw the next frame of the game while the user can control the Pacman through the commands [W][A][S][D] + [ENTER]. The ghost's are represented by the emoji's šŸ‘¹, šŸ§  and ā˜ƒļø while the Pacman is represented by the šŸ˜€ emoji.
Java Logo
Cavern is a Minecraft-like survival game made in Java that is played completely in the terminal. The goal of the game is to explore, build and survive against the monsters that appear. The map is infinite and procedurally generated in order to create a new/unique game every time you play. Cavern was also the first game that I ever developed in Java.
Side Swipe
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Side Swipe is a Java puzzle game that is played completely through the terminal. The goal is to move the white box and collect all the green gems around the map. This program run's multiple threads to constantly refresh/clear the terminal every second while allowing the player to still control the game with commands like [W][A][S][D] + [enter].


Benchmarks Towards Innovation & Creativity

Best Beginner Hack in the 2023 TurtleHacks Hackathon
Third Place in the 2023 Spring Hacks Hackathon
First Place in the 2023 Hackamental Hackathon
Ranked 2793/8057 in the USACO 2022 December Contest, Bronze
Ranked 3313/6660 in the USACO 2023 January Contest, Bronze
Ranked 1714/4425 in the USACO 2023 February Contest, Bronze
Ranked 1115/2313 in the USACO 2023 US Open Contest, Bronze
Top 25% in the CCC 2022, Junior Level
Top 25% in the CCC 2023, Senior Level
Top 25% in the CCC 2024, Senior Level
Ranked 28/98 in the Spring 2023 Indigo Coding Competition
Ranked 3996/8076 in the Google Code Jam Farewell Round A
Top 25% in the world for the 2023 Avogadro Exam
Top 10% in Canada for the 2023 Avogadro Exam
Carter Family Award
This award is in memory of John William and Jean Hamilton Carter, the parents of Huron Height's first principal David Carter. It is awarded to a Honours student who demonstrates good citizenship, participated in school activities and is well respected by staff and students.
Scotiabank Software Engineering Entrance Scholarship
A University of Waterloo entrance scholarship, valued at up to $15,000 over eight academic terms, is awarded annually to an undergraduate student entering Year One of Software Engineering. Selection is based on academic performance, extracurricular achievement as assessed through the Admission Information Form and the online video interview
Governor General's Bronze Academic Medal
The Governor General's Bronze Academic Medal is awarded to the student who attains the highest overall average upon graduating from secondary school. This average encompasses all Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses, as documented on the student's official transcript issued by the Ministry of Education.
University of Waterloo President's Scholarship of Distinction
Students who are admitted to the University of Waterloo with an early-May admission average of 95% or above will receive the one-time $2,000 University of Waterloo President's Scholarship of Distinction.